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Date(s) - 18/02/2018
15:00 - 18:00


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Afghanistan is not safe at the moment. However, EU governments (including the Dutch government) are still sending Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan.We don’t agree with this. Let’s speak up and stand together at 18-02-2018.

So what’s the plan?
In as many countries and cities as possible people will protest.
This event is the local event in Utrecht. We requested a permit to march through the center. We will invite speakers to talk, there will be petitions to sign, maybe music and we will march together.

This event is organised by the Facebookgroup “Don’t send afghans back – a platform for positive action”, Amnesty International Student Group Utrecht and supported by New Neighbours Utrecht and Women’s March The Netherlands.

We will protest against the deportations to Afghanistan because Afghanistan is not safe. According to the Global Peace Index 2017 Afhanistan is after Syria the most dangerous country in the world (http://visionofhumanity.org/indexes/global-peace-index/).

The following reports are showing as well why it is so important to stand up:

Amnesty International, 5 October 2017
“The conflict gripping Afghanistan is widespread and volatile. Tens of thousands of civilians have been killed or injured, and a wide range of people are at additional risk of other serious human rights violations such as persecution or torture. No part of the country can be considered safe. […] Amnesty International is calling for a moratorium on all returns to Afghanistan, until they can take place in safety and dignity.”


IRIN, 18 October 2017
“Civilian casualties in Afghanistan continue to soar as the country’s security situation deteriorates, according to the latest statistics released by the UN mission. The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, or UNAMA, recorded more than 8,000 civilian casualties this year from January until the end of September, placing conflict-caused deaths and injuries at near record-high levels. […] ”


UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 20 July 2017
“The overall poor security situation and the ongoing insurgency in Afghanistan continued to limit progress on human rights in 2016. […] A UN report on the Protection of Civilians showed a 3% increase in the number of civilian victims in the conflict (the highest number since UN records on civilian casualties began), including a 24% increase in the number of child casualties. […] Concerns around rights of women, democracy, and protection for human rights defenders (HRDs) also remain. […] ”


Invite people, ask organisations to join us, we have to work together to make this happen!

Who’s in ?

For more information check:
The website: http://dontsendafghansback.eu/
The Facebookpage: https://www.facebook.com/Utrecht-protest-18-February-2018-Don-t-Send-Afghans-Back-506007889798311/
The Facebookgroup: https://www.facebook.com/groups/287056371797292/about/

أفغانستان در حال حاضر كشور أمن نيست.
در همين حال كشور هاي اروپايي به شمول دولت هلند مهاجرين را دوباره به أفغانستان بر ميگردانند. ما قبول نداريم. پس بياييد به تاريخ ١٨-٠٢-٢٠١٨ باهم صداي خود تا به گوش دولت مندان برسانيم.

برنامه چيست؟
در همه شهر ها و كشور ها شهروندان تظاهرات مينمايند.
ما درخواست كرديم تا در شهر اتريخت تظاهرات برپا نماييم و در تظاهرات سخنراني هايي خواهيم داشت برنامه جمع آوري امضا ممكن همراه با موسيقي و همه باهم راه پيمايي ميكنيم.
اين برنامه توسط گروپ فيسبوكي
Don’t send afghans back – a platform for positive action” , Amnesty international student group Utrecht
راه اندازي شده است و تحت حمايت بنياد هاي ذيل ميباشد:
New neighbours Utrecht و women’s march the Netherlands

دليل راه پيمايي؟
تظاهرات ما برضد ديپورت نمودن افغان ها به افغانستان ميباشد چرا كه ما متيقن هستيم افغانستان كشور أمن نيست.
و به أساس ريپوت Global peace index 2017 افغانستان اولين كشور نا أمن بعد أز سوريه در جهان شناخته شده است.

از شما تقاضا به عمل ميآيد تا اشتراك نموده و دوستان تان را هم دعوت نماييد تا اشتراك نمايند، سازمان هاي ديگر را هم دعوت نماييد تا با ما بپيوندند تا با هم فعاليت نموده راه پيمايي نماييم و اين معظله را پايان ببخشيم.

چه كساني با ماست؟

براي معلومات بيشتر به صفحه فيس بوكي ما رفته https://www.facebook.com/Utrecht-protest-18-February-2018-Don-t-Send-Afghans-Back-506007889798311/

يا به گروپ فيس بوكي https://m.facebook.com/groups/287056371797292
ما بپيونديد.

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