Contact politicians

People do politics. We want as many politicians as possible to take a clear stance against deportations to Afghanistan – in the public as well in their parties. You can have a big impact by calling or mailing local politicians of the VVD, CDA, D66 en ChristenUni (parties currently forming the coalition of the Dutch government). Each and every local party member that opposes deportation will increase the pressure on policiticians in Den Haag.

Where can I find information?

Below you can find a concise factsheet about deportations to Afghanistan, which you can use as an orientation during a conversation or an email.

Factsheet (Dutch)

Email example – Contacting national politicians (Dutch)

Where can I find the contact data of national politicians?

On the website of the Tweede Kamer (the Dutch parliament) and on the websites of political parties.       Here is a list of relevant members of the Tweede Kamer.

Where can I find the contact data of local politicians?

On the websites of municipalities and local political parties. You can approach politicians close to you, but also other places. Focus on politicians of the four above mentioned parties and request they put the deportations to Afghanistan on the agenda of their party. We appreciate it immensely if you keep us up to date about whom you contact and what their reactions are.

Who already spoke out against deportations

Local level

  • Maastricht: CDA, D66 en burgemeester Penn.

National level

  • Oppositiepartijen Groenlinks, PvdA, SP, PvdD en DENK